If you want younger-looking skin, or have problems with uneven skin texture or skin tone, or other issues, microneedling may be the right treatment to help! At The Glam Room, we are proud to offer professional microneedling services to help all our clients experience their best skin ever. Here are some facts about microneedling if you’ve been wondering about this effective skincare treatment.
What exactly is microneedling?
Microneedling is a revolutionary way to use your body’s own system of rejuvenation to help your skin build itself into its best possible condition. It uses tiny microneedles on a special device to treat the surface of your skin.
How does microneedling work?
Microneedling works by creating tiny, microscopic ‘wounds’ in your skin. That’s good because it’s not enough to damage your skin at all, but it is just enough to make your skin start healing itself. When your skin is stimulated to start healing, it triggers collagen and elastin protein production as well as creating new skin cells that replace dead cells that have shed.
When this happens, it speeds up normal processes that slow down with aging – and that slowdown ultimately causes your skin to age and show signs of fine lines and wrinkles. You may think that you don’t need to worry about that until you’re much older, but the truth is that your skin slows down collagen production and skin cell renewal earlier than you think – even as early as your 20s.
Regular anti-aging treatments like microneedling help jumpstart that skin recovery and healing, helping your skin look and feel firmer, smoother, softer, and brighter!
What are the benefits of microneedling?
Besides being a great anti-aging treatment that helps rejuvenate your skin and prevent early signs of aging, microneedling is also an important treatment for many other skin concerns.
Scars. Whether you have scars as a result of acne breakouts or from scratches and other damage, microneedling can help, especially with scars that are below the surface. Those processes we talked about that rejuvenate your skin – collagen and elastin production as well as skin cell replacement – actually help even out the surface of your skin as well, including in areas where scars are present. Talk to your Glam Room esthetician to see whether microneedling is the right treatment for your scars. We’ll assess your skin to help you choose the right treatment, including microneedling.
Damage from the sun. A suntan looks great, but over time, too much sun exposure harms your skin and can cause sagging, wrinkles, and dry skin. Microneedling works to help reverse the effects of this damage by speeding up the replacement of damaged cells so that over time, your skin is healthier.
Stretch marks. Just like with scars, microneedling can be a great treatment if you’re troubled by stretch marks. Microneedling treatments deliver healing from your natural processes directly to the treated area around stretch marks for an even, smooth look for your skin.
Rosacea. Rosacea is a skin condition that causes your skin to look red and irritated. Because part of the problem that causes the condition is lower collagen production, you can see how regular microneedling treatments can help – by stimulating added collagen production for healthy skin.
Hyperpigmentation and spots. Our skin is constantly replacing itself, and that’s why tans fade and some marks disappear with time. Microneedling speeds up the process, helping you have a more even skin tone with faded dark spots.
As an added bonus, microneedling helps with efficient product use. Moisturizers, serums, and other topical skincare treatments work much better when you’ve had regular microneedling treatments. That’s because the microscopic punctures help these creams and treatments penetrate deeper for more effective delivery and healthier skin.
Does microneedling hurt?
For most people, the answer is no. Many people are nervous about needles, but don’t let the name of this effective treatment stop you from experiencing its benefits for yourself! It’s the micro in the name that’s so important – the specialized tool uses such tiny needles that they barely make an impression on your skin. It’s just enough to reap the benefits!
Most of our clients experience only a warm sensation with no to minimal discomfort. That’s because when microneedling is done by a trained professional, it’s done the correct way without causing any problems for most people. If your skin is particularly sensitive, talk to your Glam Room esthetician before your treatment to discuss ways to minimize discomfort.
Microneedling is a safe and effective treatment that helps so many people look and feel their best with smooth, younger-looking skin! If you’d like to find out if microneedling is right for you, make an appointment today at The Glam Room. Our expert estheticians will assess your individual skincare needs and determine which treatments, including microneedling, will work best for you! Visit us at 308 Delaware Street in Kansas Cityorcall 816-605-1949 to schedule your microneedling appointment. You can also schedule your appointment on our mobile app, available for free on iTunes andGoogle Play. And if you’re looking for the best stylist- and esthetician-recommended products to care for your skin and hair at home, you’ll find everything you need in our exclusive online store.