The summer is winding down, and we’re turning our attention toward all the new and exciting trends in hairstyles for the cool months ahead! If you’ve been thinking of trying something new, now’s the perfect time. To inspire you to try something new, here’s a rundown of some of the hottest trends in hairstyles coming out of the fall fashion runways.
The bob. As we transition out of summer, we’ll see some styles shorten a bit into one of the most versatile short cuts, the bob. This season’s bobs celebrate your natural texture, whether it’s a smooth, straight blunt bob, a relaxed and wavy bob, or a dramatic curly bob. The texture gives it individuality, and we’ll see more of those single-length bobs everywhere this fall.
The gloss. No matter what your style, you’ll see a lot more shimmer and shine this fall with glossy, polished, healthy looking locks. It’s a healthy hair trend that’s easy to replicate for any style, short or long.
The low ponytail. We’re already starting to see these everywhere, because those ultra-long, low ponytails easily grab attention. Hair extensions play a big role here to give you a dramatic, long, lush style even if your hair is naturally mid-length.
The curtain bangs. We saw a lot of these last year, and long, dramatic curtain bangs still command attention. The texture is soft and romantic, and it frames your face to showcase all your best features.
The vintage look. Another romantic look for fall is the retro finger waves style, that throwback to the last century that makes a classic, modern statement. The curls are different than your standard styling tool style and look perfectly polished at work as well as for any formal or casual event.
The part – pick your favorite. Fall and winter 2019 will see two choices for your style’s part – middle or side. Choose a middle part for that classic look, and highlight your own style with either a smooth, polished center or a relaxed, wild-side look. Choose a side part for that prim and proper side of you and show off your sophisticated, mature style.
The voluminous curls. This fall, we’ll see lots of dramatic, voluminous curls to celebrate your curly girl style. Whether natural or professionally textured, fall 2019 curls look natural, a forward-thinking trend that recognizes the beauty of natural hair.
The twists. If you love a good updo, this fall’s trends lean toward classy with smooth, polished, twisted buns for both casual and formal occasions. The knot type is the focus here, with intricate knots that look like they spent hours to achieve. Your secret here – and we won’t tell – is that the style is easy to create with the right twists and turns.
The accessories. Accessories for fall and winter styles include headbands, oversized decorative clips and pins, and even your own hair – a talented stylist can create a work of art with a few well-gelled strands on your forehead or cheek. Accessories should always match your personality and celebrate the real you.
Inspired to try something new this fall? Make an appointment today atThe Glam Room. Our professional stylists will help you choose the perfect new style for the fall and winter season. You can find us at 308 Delaware Street in Kansas Cityorcall us at816-605-1949 to book an appointment. Prefer to book appointments on your own schedule? Try our free mobile app where you can manage appointments and more right from your mobile device. It’s available on iTunes,Google Play, orAmazon